Sunday 13 September 2009

What is H808 about? First thoughts

As the E-Portfolio seems to be central to this course, here is a definition:

"The process of creating an eportfolio consists of collecting pieces of work, assessments, presentations, websites, blogs etc., explaining how the learning experiences relate to course content or learning objectives and documenting this with evidence from the pieces submitted. Students can share their eportfolio with staff and/or other students, who can add their comments."

(reference p44-45, Elearning, the Key Concepts, Robin Mason and Frank Rennie, 2006, Routledge, Taylor and Frances Group, London and New York.)

The first TMA has two parts.

  1. To show understanding and awareness of what an eportfolio is and the functionality that they offer. I will need critically to examine the arguments for and against the use of such systems in my chosen context. I will need to read the background literature on these learning environments, to develop my knowledge of eportfolio teaching and learning practices, to describe the teaching context of my own situation.
  2. To use the eportfolio system to reflect on the development of my own skills as an elearning practitioner; defining the skills I will need, reflecting on my own development, learning to critique the practice of others, identifying the kind of proactivity that is productive in the elearning environment.
It is beginning to dawn on me that one of my key pieces of professional learning will be to create a learning space in which I organise my thoughts in a completely different way. The way I understand it at the moment is that I will have to get much better at identifying meta concepts about which I want to collect my thoughts and develop my thinking. The eportfolio will be a place to organise and link material that illuminates the (new?) concepts and enables me to construct new meaning and argumentation.


  1. Hi Madeleine

    I agree with the analysis in your final paragraph - it seems to present the spirit of e-portfolios more than the definition.

    Best Wishes


  2. Thanks, Alan. It is nice to feel that support is happening, even when I haven't actively sought it;-)

