Sunday 13 February 2011

Innovation Case Studies Block 1, Week 2.2

In this task, we are asked to study a number of case studies - too many to read them all;-) I have decided to choose cases that have some relevance to my work life.
  1. Bradford University Physiotherapy  Course - a module that brings the user (customer in my parlance) to life, and helps with the transfer of learning. The case based scenario module incorporated media rich elements, to make them more emotionally engaging. The scenarios were used in a blended learning format, which encouraged problem solving debate on the cases. Student feedback shows they are engaging with the material.
  2. Derby University BA in Business Studies. This course has been transformed by being available fully online. This has attracted a more mature student, that is motivated to complete the course. As well as being available online, there is flexibility about when modules are taken, which means that a three year course can be completed in two years. Student enrollments and satisfaction levels have been on the increase. No particular evidence of any pedagogical innovations.
  3. Swansea University BA and MA in Archaeology. The use of a combination of images from archaeological site, with an accompanying podcast commentary by an academic who is working on/visitng the site has been very well received. The larger number of requests to attend field study summer schools is an example of this greater level of engagement. The evidence is that students find the input much more engaging. It is also an excellent option for students with mobility issues, who would otherwise miss out on the experience of 'visiting' a site. The staff have extended their use of podcasting technology to respond to specific student enquiries. These can then become a shared resource for the future.
  4. Warwick University Team Based approach to creating e-resources. This project focuses on the method used by the UReCA department which has over 1000 part time students and more than 80  modules. Previously course materials were provided in paper based form - e-resources were provided only by enthusiasts. By taking a collaborative, whole department approach to developing e-resources, the project raised the confidence and competence of staff to engage with elearning. As a result, not only has the student experience been enhanced, but staff development and collaboratiion continues on the VLE that was used for the collaborative project. Free lunches were used to reward, entice participation of reluctant members of staff!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Madeleine,
    You blog does not have a resource feed on it or I can't find it anyway.
